March Flower Momma Message: Faith Over Fear
A sweet friend of mine asked me the other day: “If you could summarize 2022 so far in just three words, what words would you choose?”
The first thing that popped into my head was Faith Over Fear.
In a season of grief comes change - Change from what was to what now is.
I don’t know about you, but with change comes a lot of emotion. I explained to my friend that each day has been an emotional rollercoaster, and if one day isn’t a rollercoaster, then I brace myself in anticipation of the next “wave”. However, I have to remind myself to keep going back to what I know and believe is true, not just what I am feeling at the moment.
Momma, how do you handle fear when you are in a valley?
John Piper once said, “A path of righteousness is a right path followed with the right attitude.”
Ugh. Heart check. Full stop.
When I am filled with fear, how are my emotions driving my attitude and actions?
It can look like anger, control, isolation or anxiety and worry. My struggle is usually trying to control things that are out of my hands accompanied by a headache and stomach ache while snapping everyone’s head off - It’s great for everyone…clearly.
Maybe your valley is grief. Maybe it’s rejection, depression, divorce, illness, infertility, or longing (just to name a few).
If you are struggling with fear and anxiety in a valley, here are a few things that are helping me! I hope they help you too!
- Be still.
I get it. The quiet can be scary. The thoughts start. Emotions come. But stillness increases our awareness of His presence, and when He’s near, peace comes along with Him. If you don’t have margin in your day-to-day to get still and sit with Him, I’d encourage you to take a step back and pray about what needs to change to allow you that time. This is also something that is essential while on a mountaintop, too! There is no substitute for time with Jesus. Practicing being still in His presence before entering a valley season can better equip your heart for battle. Be still, read scripture, quiet your heart, and press into your Shepherd. Again, don’t just wait for the valley seasons to get still. Lay the faith foundation before heartache hits.
- Sing Praise.
Belt it. Crank up the worship. When we sing His praises, we are drawing near to Him, and He is drawing near to us in return. When He is near, His goodness follows.
I wanted to help you here, so we created a playlist for you on Spotify called The Flower Momma Playlist. Check it out, and sing, sing, sing!
Valley seasons don’t last, but momma, strong women do!
For further reading and encouragement see:
Psalm 23
Psalm 46:10
Joshua 1:9
Psalm 118:6
Isaiah 41:10