Flower Friday Returns

Flower Friday Returns


Last year one of our favorite things to do was Flower Friday’s! Y'all loved it, and we did too!


For those of you that are new to this whole Flower Friday thing allow me to recap.

Every Friday we would put all our stems out front and invite you all to come buy any stem for a dollar. That’s it. Our way of loving on y'all, getting to catch up with your lives, listening to 80’s music, and playing with Tex and Gus! It was truly the best and I have missed it so much.


So what will be new this year?

We asked several of you what you would like to see this next Flower Friday in our Jameson’s Flowers Exclusives Group on Facebook. Several of you had amazing ideas that we would like to implement this upcoming season! Ask and ye shall receive!

  • In addition to all of the stems being a dollar we will have one section that will have just a few different blooms at a higher price range fro y'all to choose from.

  • Vases - for purchase so you can take your blooms home in a vase if you wish. Or if you have to get back to work they will be able to be in water until you get home.

  • Bring your own vessel or purchase one of ours - and then For $10 you can stay and we will help you arrange the flowers in your vase before you leave.

  • Dye-Raid Ribbon - for purchase to tie off your blooms with and reuse at home! (Or bring it back the next time to use!)

  • Kids Rule Flower Friday - It will be summer and they will be bored. We will have a Flower Friday event where kids are the super stars. More info to come!

  • Highlighted Vendors - Occasionally we will have different businesses or non-profits in the studio for y'all to enjoy while you shop!


It will also be super important that you are in the Jameson’s Flowers Exclusives Group on Facebook so you don’t miss out.

  1. If you are in the group, you get a head start on the blooms. We won’t say how much of a head start, you will have to join to find out.

  2. After every Flower Friday we will hold a 48 hour competition that you all will vote who the winners are. All you will have to do is post a picture of your new blooms in their new habitat - Work, Home, giving them to someone - in the exclusives group. The picture that gets the most likes will be able to shop at the next Flower Friday for free!

“But wait some people are paying for y'all to arrange the blooms for them!”

Yep! and they might get free stems the next time!! #WorthIt? I think so.


The final newness to the Flower Friday season:

Flower Friday will only be twice a month! But here is the kicker, y'all won’t know when until a few days before it happens! You will have to be on the look out and JF Exclusives will always be the first to know! We will ALWAYS have at least 2 a month! It will just be a surprise as to when they will be!!

This Flower Friday season will start on June 14th and will last until October!

We can’t wait to see you all and have so much fun this summer!


Jenny Lee Hines

P.S. The studio looks quite different than last year! We can’t wait for you all to see!

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