5 Things we are Thankful for in 2020

5 Things we are Thankful for in 2020

What a freaking year. Highs and lows and all of the in between. I have never done a blog post like this before but I feel it is especially important this year.
I wanted to share 5 Things we are Thankful for.

1) Hard Times

I think it is safe to say we have all run into hard times this year. I remember when shutdowns first began, like most businesses can attest to, we were told several different things in a matter of a week of what we could and could not do.
Open? Closed? Delivery? No delivery? Pickups? No pickups? Open but no entry? Curbside only? No delivery to hospitals? No delivery to nursing homes? Yes, but only to the security? No everyday arrangements? Funeral work only? So we can proceed as normal? Yes? No? Maybe?
Crystal Clear.... Got it.
My head was spinning with it all. Trying to lead a team well and roll with the several different punches at one time.
I am an advocate for the notion that good things come out of every hard thing. Good is always right around the corner. Good happens in the hard times even when we don't necessarily see it even while it is happening!
This year we launched our new website. We had to invest in a new website after Mother's Day when I knew it was officially time. We had outgrown our original one due to online order demand. It just was not equipped to handle that much plus "Wire outs" were no longer going to be a thing because of COVID.
What is a wire out? You could give us a call and tell us you wanted to send an arrangement to another city. We would find and call a flower shop for you to take the hard work off your hands.
Well, COVID happened and that got exponentially harder to do. So we began the journey of shipping flowers! Something I had really wanted to do for awhile, but had been dragging my feet on.
These hard times pushed our business in a way that I probably would have kept dragging my feet on. It wasn't an easy thing, but in 2021 we expect to reach new levels because we now offer this service!

2) Hard Conversations

I don't know about you, but I HATE hard conversations.
I get myself way worked up over them. Nauseous, headaches, backaches - it's a real mental and physical attack. Then the hard conversation happens and I have to consciously be thinking to myself "don't shake". My legs and hands start to shake. One may think I am cold - nope. Just worked up and probably on the verge of tears. It's truly exhausting.
The people pleaser part of me cringes at the thought of telling someone something they might not like. The potential that someone could be mad at me, I have disappointed them, not lived up to their expectations or not like me after -  kills me. I believe that I work for the Lord but those earthly feelings creep up on you.  I wish I was that person that just didn't give a flip what others think, but I do. I deeply care about others. I know not everyone will like me, and at the end of the day all that matters is my little tribe, but the process is tough and I constantly have to lean on the Lord in these times.
"Surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life."  - Psalm 23:6 
Like I said previously, COVID pushed us to new lengths and uncharted boundaries. Areas we never expected to be in forced our business model to change. Our goals changed, daily operations changed, and how we served others had to change drastically. Some were disappointed in these changes, but unfortunately we couldn't control a lot of these things.
Our #1 goal is to be the best florist in the North Texas Area. Fresh, unique Flowers, up-to-date designs and the hope is we will grow beyond our wildest dreams, God-willing. Changes along the way happen and as a business owner I have learned that we are constantly having to pivot. After having those hard conversations I have clearly seen the good in the later days, and I am grateful.
You have to prune the roses to help them grow!

3) Community

The unexpected and fully expected of Community.
Going into 2020 our plans for the shop looked totally different. I am fully a believer that goals - even outside of 2020 - will shift and need to be revisited quarterly.
Things happen, things change - it's how we respond to them and are able to be proactive towards these changes.
One unexpected - In March of this year, our friends at Collective Coffee popped up in our shop. I remember when Patrick asked me if they could, I was honest and said we did mostly deliveries, but they were welcome to! I was afraid the foot traffic wouldn't be there for them.
We have enjoyed every minute of them. Unexpected friends and faces we have gotten the pleasure of seeing and meeting this year. Memories made that will be held onto for a lifetime. They have become like family. We knew this was temporary, but we are enjoying them while they are here. We are so excited for their very own brand new shop in 2021!
Two unexpected - One of my favorite memories from this year will be our Buy One Give One Flower Fridays we had in April. We realized that Flower Friday was not going to look normal for awhile. Everyone couldn't go digging through buckets to pick their favorite stems + everyone was upset because things were still closed down. People bought our Buy One Give One bouquets in droves. We had so much fun running bouquets and coffees out to peoples cars! 
It was amazing to see people giving flowers to those who were quarantined or someone who needed the pick me up. We also felt incredibly loved by the support. I get teary eyed thinking back.
Expected - Our close friends and family. Even when we couldn’t be together, those in our corner have been there through thick and thin! We are so thankful for them. They know us, they love us, and they speak truth kindly to us. You are always a guaranteed in this life and I will forever be grateful for you!

4) Curve-balls

I wish I could name all the curve-balls thrown our way! It felt like one after the other this year and I promise you don't have the time or the want to hear them all!

We do however, want to shout-out our amazing brides.

We have had not one single bride this year that didn't handle all these changes with grace and kindness.

We have seen a lot of heartbreak when plans didn't go the way they had expected, but every bride - maybe even through tears- was kind. This is everyone's first pandemic. Everyone is doing their best and when the curve balls come, we give it our best shot!

We are so thankful for the brides that we do have! I don't know how we got so lucky.

Whether your day was on your originally planned date but modified or you had to postpone - you handled it with such grace and it is a testament to the kind of wife you are or are going to be. Bravo friends.

5) You


You are here reading this blog post and have made it this far to learn about our year.


Thank you for being here. Thank you for your support. Thank you for shopping at your local flower shop.


We know their are many options out there, but the fact that you choose Jameson's Flowers every-time, faithfully and loyally is not something I take lightly.


They say business isn't personal, and maybe that is true for some, but it is very personal for me. Every-time the phone rings or an order comes in online I feel seen and so humbled.


I have viewed this little business as my ministry. Being called to help others love on people and celebrate people through flowers is such a beautiful thing. Our team gets to be the hands and feet of that and it is so special to be a part of.


So Thank you. Thank you for being here, thank you for loving us, and thank you for the support. We will forever be thankful for you. Especially in 2020.


We hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving. If you can't be with your loved ones, we hope you are able to still take the time to see the good that has happened to you this year.


Celebrate Life Today and Always,

Jenny Lee Hines

1 comment

  • Big Dad and MeMe

    Jenny, you are the most amazing young woman. You have become such a successful business woman while maintaining compassion,empathy,and love for everyone that you serve. All the while you are an amazing wife and mommy. We are so eternally proud of you❤️

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